Incoming Groups

Why are you needed?

We serve the Lord in an urban area where the needs are significant. We are trying to do as much as possible for as many people as possible. Sometimes churches or individuals are willing to lend a hand to better help us show the love of Christ to our community. We really appreciate it when our sisters and brothers in Christ come alongside us in our ministry.

Children's Ministries

Most groups that come to serve with us will plan and lead some type of children's program, whether it be a play day or an entire VBS. 

Adult Outreach

Adult outreach is another area that some visiting groups focus on.  Many groups host some type of meal or evening event for adults or families in our community.  These events are planned under the guidance of Bill Curry, our lead pastor.

Church Maintenance and Construction

Our church is over 100 years old and there are always lots of repairs and renovations needed to be able to provide our congregation with a safe and comfortable environment.  Many groups that come to serve participate in some type of work project(s).

Teen and Young adult ministries

Some of our groups host wonderful events for teens and/or young adults in our community. These activities are planned under the guidance of Andy Schultz, our youth pastor.

Community Outreach

The neighborhood of Kensington and the city of Philadelphia is filled with people in need.  Some groups sponsor outreach efforts in our neighborhood.